Massage in the News: Hands

In today’s networked world, many people spend long hours typing. Despite taking breaks, stretching arms and hands, and paying attention to ergonomics, many adults and teens will experience aching, throbbing, and pain by the end of the day. If left unchecked, these symptoms can evolve into more serious conditions such as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and ulnar (elbow) neuropathy. Anyone who uses their hands on a daily basis, including construction workers, potters, weavers and quilters, archery enthusiasts, and weight lifters, are all at risk for hand pain and swelling wrists.

Hand massage can nip these early warning signs in the bud before they become more serious. A recent study conducted by the University of Miami’s School of Medicine found that not only was hand and wrist pain significantly reduced through massage techniques, but also associated anxiety and depression due to increasing dis-ease and worries about work performance, were reduced through healing touch. See a summary of these findings from the University of Miami’s clinical trial at:

My experience treating hands and wrist over the years has shown hand massage is effective to reduce pain in both hands and shoulders for my clients. Hands that are constantly moving invite shoulder tension to build in the body, creating the potential for neck discomfort as well. Releasing the tension and discomfort in the hands often releases the shoulders and allows the entire body and mind to relax. Gentle massage of the hands and the stretch of tendons through the wrists releases shoulder tension and benefits the whole person.

Paying attention to pain in our hands is often a first step in caring for ourselves, and a trained professional can help pave the way for recovery. My practice is both spiritual and medicinal. If I can help you in any way, please contact me at the link below.

Many Blessings,

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